Sunday, December 11, 2011

Goebbels Would Be Proud

I read an interesting letter to the editor in my local paper Saturday.  The writer was confused why Obama said God Bless America.  The writer stated that President Obama was a Muslim and not a Christian.  First President Obama is not a Muslim and even if he was Muslims still believe in God.  The writer claimed that Obama was only for the rich Americans not the poor, which apparently made him un-American.  Again the writer has his facts wrong.  The President is trying to raise taxes on the richest one percent of American but is stonewalled by the Republicans, who want to lower taxes on the wealthy. 

Joseph Goebbels would be proud at the Conservative propaganda spread by talk radio and Fox News.  They continue to spread lies about the Presidents birth and religion.  They are trying convince people that they are for the common man, while the President is for the rich Wall Street executives, which is the exact opposite of the situation.  Goebbels said if you repeat the lie enough people will believe it.  The Conservatives believe it and in the case of this one writer it is true.  It is more appalling that a newspaper would print the letter.