Monday, April 30, 2012

Republican Overreach

Since the end of World War II, Republicans devise a way to limit their opposition, which in the end hurts the Republican party.  After Roosevelt's four terms, the Republicans pushed for an amendment to limit the president to two terms.  I believe that Eisenhower and Regan would have been elected to a third term.  In order to make inroads in the South, the Republicans devised the Southern strategy to get the Southern white vote.  It put the Republican party on the wrong side of history.  The party lost the black vote, which was heretofore solidly Republican.  The Republican party to an extreme position on immigration, which caused it to lose the Hispanic vote.  The Republicans are attempting to go back in time on women's rights, alienating another larger demographic of voters. If the Republican Party continues on this track, they will be an all white party of the rich or evangelical Christians.  It is not a winning strategy.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Downtown St. Petersburg

I recently took a day trip to St.  Petersburg and was pleasantly surprised at my discovery.  I visited the Dali museum, which I enjoyed.  The paintings cover the breadth of Dali's work from his Impressionist beginnings to Surrealism.and into his classical period. The body of  work reveals a constantly growing and evolving artist. Docent tours are available every hour on the half hour.  Headsets with information on the paintings are available as well.  I first went on a docent tour and used the headsets to supplement information on pieces that were not discussed on the tour. In addition to his painting, you can watch a film Dali made.  Outside is a labyrinth you can walk through.  Despite my penchant for Impressionism, I enjoyed the museum.  I was able to get a better understanding of Dali and surrealism.

Along the waterfront, there are a plethora of restaurants and boutiques.  I dined al fresco at Moon Under Water with an excellent view of the bay.  I had a delicious curry dish.  The menu was full of a variety of choices.  It was difficult to decide but the kind waitress gave me her recommendation.

I went to the Chihuly Collection.  I was impressed with his glass works, which are beautifully displayed.  His art work is puerile.  He squirts acrylic paint on a canvas and calls it art.  It takes him ten minutes to do a piece.  My third graders could do the same but would not be able to charge $12,000 for it. A docent tour is available and recommended.

My final destination was the Vinoy hotel, a gem from the 1920s.  It fell on hard times in the 1970s, as did apparently the city, but has been restored.  A Chihuly chandelier hangs in its ballroom.  Although we were not guests the manager was helpful in providing a history of the hotel.

I recommend visiting St. Petersburg.  I will return to see the museums I missed.


Too much riding on one test

On Monday FCAT begins.  It is a test that will determine if my students will progress to fourth grade.  It trumps what they have done the rest of the year.  It is a test that will determine if I am considered an effective teacher.  In a recent article in Phi Delta Kappan, a professional journal for educators, research show that gains in student achievement are influenced by much more than the any individual teacher.  School factors such as class size, curriculum materials, instructional time, availability of specialists and tutors and resources for learning are a factor.  Another factor is home and community support.  Individual student needs and abilities, health and attendance are a factor.  Differential summer learning loss is a factor, especially among low-income children.

It is folly to think that a four day test can give you the whole picture of a child, as it is to think it does the same for a teacher.  It is disheartening to think that teachers who sacrifice to promote the love of learning to children are reduce to a secret state mathematical formula.