Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Political Musings

When I came of political age it was morning in America.  Reagan had replaced the Carter pessimism with optimism.  Politicians argued the merit of their beliefs, acknowledging the philosophical differences.  They were enemies on the floor of Congress but shared cocktails after hours.  It was how compromise was achieved.  It was a time of change- I thought for the better.  I was working in the mortgage banking and Republicanism was a natural fit.  I was living in Maryland - a Democratic stronghold.  I was in the minority, fighting the status quo.  I remained in the party through business school.

I moved to Arizona, birthplace of Barry Goldwater founder of American conservatism.  It was at that time that the Republicans took control of the House.  I realized that their agenda was not mine.  I knew that I would not be able to change it.  To paraphrase Reagan, I did not leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me.  I had read Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead, so I joined the Libertarian Party of smaller government.  In presidential elections I have voted third party, trying to end the failed two party system.  Unfortunately, Perot's presidential attempts were the closest a third party candidate has been in winning an election.

I grow dismayed when I see what is being put out by both parties.  The lunatic fringe of both parties have taken over.  There is no more debate.  It is just invective, spewed back and forth.  The intellectual caliber has certainly diminished in Congress.  They cannot argue the merits of their case but simply attack others.  I wonder what this people did before they entered politics.  They have no connection with the real world.

Views on Presidents
Ronald Reagan restored dignity to the office.  He always wore his jacket in the Oval Office, as a sign of respect for the office of the presidency. Reagan had a strong team of ad visors, who had a unified vision for America.  They believed in  limited government, lower taxes and the end of communism.  Reagan never veered from that vision.  Also it was the beginning of the shift of income to the rich and the end of the middle class.

George H.W. Bush had an impressive resume but lacked vision and conviction.  He broke his vow not to raise taxes, which lost him the election.

Bill Clinton's policies should be the role model for presidents.  He was a centrist, who governed from the middle.  His moderate policies reformed welfare and provided the country with a budget surplus.  His personal behavior was his downfall.

George W. Bush was not qualified to be president and needed to be watched over be his father's friends.  He entered office with the largest budget surplus and left with the largest deficit.  An so-called opponent of big government, Bush enacted the large prescription medicine entitlement for seniors.  He cut taxes for the wealthy. Bush is the first president to invade a country without provocation.  He used the 911 attacks to destroy American freedoms, such as habeus corpus.  Once the government labels you as a terrorist you lose your rights.  "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."  The administration loosened regulations leading to the banking and housing crisisses.  The government bailed out the large banks and Wall Street gets its bonuses while the country suffers.

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