Monday, August 8, 2011

The Moral Decline of Republicanism

The Republican Party has a schizophrenic history.  The party prides itself on its 1850s ant-slavery roots and the party of Lincoln.  In the decades after the Great Emancipator's death, the Republican party became the organ of greedy industrialists.  It has never lost its association with big business.  During Theodore Roosevelt's term as president, he sought to broaden the party.  He wanted a Square Deal for the people. Eventually Roosevelt and the Progressives broke from the party.  Republicans became the party of the status quo and represented big business more than the average American.   "The business of America is business."   It used scare tactics, such as the Red Menace to gain power. While Republicans claim to be strong on defense, the are responsible for the secret war in Southeast Asia and arms for hostage deals with Iran.

As I mentioned in previous blogs, I am a former Republican, who believed it was morning in America.  I believed that the party could not sink any lower but I am disappointed to be wrong.  The current debt crisis debacle shows that the Republicans are willing to put political gain before the welfare of the country.  In their lust for power, they are willing to cause a double dip recession to gain the White House.  They will block any initiatives to improve the economy in an attempt to defeat President Obama.  I do not believe even the Machiavellian Nixon would stoop so low.

Who is to blame?  Ultimately, it is the American people, who believe their simplistic approach to solving the complex problems facing America.  We need to be more educated.  Stop spending your time watching "reality" tv and awaken to the reality of the Republican agenda.  The gap between corporate executives and the rank and file workers is growing at an exponential rate.  The middle class is under constant attack and the Republicans want to balance the budget on their backs.  They want to destroy the middle class, with their tax and education policies.

Wake up everybody.  Take action before it is too late.

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