Saturday, November 5, 2011

Catholic Church Changes

The Catholic Church is again changing and I am not sure why.  After the Second Vatican Council, the Church decided to modernize.  The mass was given in the vernacular instead of Latin.  I was an infant while these changes were occurring, but I would have preferred to have have the mass in a sacred language instead of the mundane.  Apparently, 50 years ago, there was a poor translation because the reason for the new changes is it is closer to the original meaning.  An example of few of the changes from the Nicene Creed. Current - of all that is seen and unseen. Revised- of all things visible and invisible. Current - he suffered died and was buried. Revised- he suffered death and was buried. I am not sure why we are making what appear to be minor changes.  If we want to go back to the original perhaps we should say the mass in Aramaic.

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